Orofacial Harmonization

We carry out procedures that highlight your natural beauty and improve the harmony of your face, with minimally invasive techniques that can be mostly reversible, improving your safety and self-esteem.

The orofacial harmonization and rejuvenation procedures that we carry out at the Tascón Clinic are totally safe, have remarkably visible results immediately, are outpatient and minimally invasive, and allow us to improve the appearance, safety, self-esteem and, in some cases, the health of our patients.

The professionals in charge of this procedure in our clinic are professionals who have studied and have experience in harmonization and orofacial rejuvenation, making them capable of performing advanced treatments, tailored to the needs and tastes of each patient.

What treatment suits me best?

To define the procedure to be performed, our specialists in harmonization and orofacial rejuvenation analyze, in addition to the medical and aesthetic conditions of each patient, their needs, expectations and budget, in order to define the most appropriate treatment.

The orofacial harmonization and rejuvenation treatments that you can find at Tascon Clinic are:

Lip profiling

This procedure corrects and/or improves the shape and thickness of your lips with the help of hyaluronic acid with immediate effects, so that your lips look perfect in combination with your face shape and your other facial features. It is an outpatient and minimally invasive procedure.

cheekbone augmentation

It seeks to give a better enhancement to the cheeks, by applying hyaluronic acid in this area. This procedure is minimally invasive, outpatient and with immediate results that make your face look more symmetrical and beautiful.

angle definition mandibular

Using hyaluronic acid we shape your jawline and chin contour to give it an outstanding and beautiful appearance, without undergoing surgery and with fast visible results.

hypertrophy maseterina

This disorder consists of an increase in the volume of one or two of the masseter muscles, which causes not only facial asymmetry, but can also lead to poor jaw position and tooth wear. We offer you the best latest treatments to improve masseteric hypertrophy and thus improve your dental health and the appearance of your face.


Bichectomy is a quick, minimally invasive surgical procedure, with a gentle postoperative period, permanent results and does not leave scars on the skin, through which Bichat bags are removed to accentuate your cheekbones and have a finer and more stylized face.

Wrinkle correction

We fill in those lines that make you look older in a minimally invasive way so that you feel younger and more beautiful.

dark circles correction

It consists of filling the cracks that form around the eyes, applying hyaluronic acid, which in addition to filling them, improves hydration and collagen synthesis, reducing the tone of dark circles.


By applying hyaluronic acid to strategic sites in the nose, we can improve aspects such as retracted nostrils, alignment of the nasal dorsum and upturning in a minimally invasive way, with a natural appearance and immediate results.

smile correction gingival

The gummy smile is when the proportion between teeth and gums is not correct, since the gums look too prominent. We advise you and carry out the best procedure to give your smile a better harmony, making your gums look the right size and shape.

teeth whitening

It lightens your teeth in several shades so that they look whiter, cleaner and brighter, eliminating the stains that form on the teeth due to some foods, medications, inadequate oral hygiene, among other factors and smile again with pride and confidence.

magnification and profiling chin

With this procedure it is possible to correct asymmetries, imperfections and improve the shape of the face, without surgical procedures, since it is performed on an outpatient basis, through the application of hyaluronic acid which will give the chin a better appearance in shape and volume.

furrow correction nasogenians

Through the application of hyaluronic acid these marks are filled to give you a fresher and more youthful appearance in a short time.

anti bruxism treatment

We have the best and most advanced techniques that will allow you to relax and control the hyperactivity of your facial muscles so that you definitively stop the extreme pressure on your teeth and thus prevent their progressive wear.

Tensioning wires

It is one of the best techniques currently that allows correcting sagging, sagging skin and some expression lines, as well as enhancing some parts of the face, it also contributes to improving the production of collagen, elastin and regeneration of skin cells so that stay alive. The procedure consists of biocompatible and resorbable surgical filaments, which are implanted internally in the skin and are not visible externally.

Frequent Questions

 Rhinoplasty is recommended to improve nose types that require moderate shaping and do not have health problems that cause respiratory distress.
This procedure consists of filling with hyaluronic acid in specific places to improve appearance, for this reason it is more recommended for people who need to increase volume in a certain place of their nose, rather than for those who want a reduction in its size.

Each case is different depending on the type of change you want to achieve. There are those who achieve the full result in one session and those who require more sessions because they want a more pronounced change. The changes will be maintained for a period between 8 and 10 months.

 The results of this procedure can be evidenced for up to 1 year, after this time the procedure can be performed again if desired.

 It can generate some bruising, which should disappear in approximately 48 hours.

Because the penetration of hyaluronic acid in creams and serums is limited and by injecting this component we can guarantee its deep penetration to generate greater benefits.

They are the folds that form at the end of the nose and extend to the end of the mouth. These are created to a greater extent in people who laugh a lot or have very marked gesticulations, giving a sad and/or aged appearance.

Because the mandibular angle is one of the most important elements to define the shape of the face as a whole

It consists of the infiltration of botulinum toxin type A or Botox through a very thin needle, which causes the muscle to relax so that it does not move and thus improve the aged or tired appearance of the face.

Bruxism is an unconscious habit that makes us squeeze and rub our teeth excessively, which can cause problems ranging from headache, neck and ear pain due to tension and overexertion, to the progressive wear of the teeth.

Gummy smiles are those where the gum looks more prominent, even being longer than the teeth.

Hyaluronic acid is a component that we have naturally in some parts of the body such as the skin, eyes, cartilage, and connective tissue and that allows water retention in these parts, so that they remain hydrated, firm, and elastic.

Due to the natural aging process, this compound decreases, causing the skin to lose its firmness and wrinkles are generated, for which we seek through its infiltration to return the lost hyaluronic acid to the skin so that it recovers its youth and hydration.

No, there are threads of different sizes and thicknesses, which are chosen according to the area where they will be placed, as well as smooth or spiculated threads, where the former are used to treat fine wrinkles, while the latter are used to lift areas of the skin that are down.

Yes, it should not be performed on pregnant or lactating women, children under 13 years of age and people with cracked teeth

Yes, both can be improved, since it manages to align the angle between the nose and the forehead with the bridge or back of the forehead. This can improve the profile and make the nose look more harmonious, centered and balanced.

The session lasts approximately one hour.

It is an outpatient and minimally invasive process, which is why it does not generate excessive pain, however, intraoral and topical anesthesia is applied to reduce the risk of pain.

note very flat on the cheeks or when volume has been lost in this area due to age.

Reduces eye bags, recovers lost volume in sunken eyes, reduces the aged and tired appearance and deeply moisturizes, favoring the production of collagen and elastin for a longer-lasting effect.

Once the procedure is finished, you may experience a small swelling, which will disappear in an average of 1 to 3 days and the nasogenian expression lines will disappear with the procedure for approximately one year.

It can be done by two methods, through the application of hyaluronic acid and through the use of tensor threads. You can also do a mix of both techniques.

Mainly for those located between the eyebrows, the forehead and around the lips and eyes.

The most common treatment is the use of anti-bruxism plates, which create a barrier between the upper and lower teeth to prevent them from rubbing against each other, but botox is also a very powerful treatment to eliminate bruxism since by relaxing The mobility of the chewing muscles decreases, without altering their sensitivity or the ability to chew in about a week.

To answer this question, it is important to understand the causes of the problem. A gummy smile can be caused by dental, muscular or bone causes that cause the gums to have an irregular contour or the upper lip to be very short, exposing a greater part of the gum. This can sometimes also occur with crossbite problems, which must be treated in conjunction with orthodontics, or with a cleft or small jaw, in which case it must be complemented with aesthetic and/or maxillofacial surgery.

It is popularly known as botox, it is a neurotoxin that is used to paralyze some facial muscles and thus prevent their contraction from producing expression lines and wrinkles.

No, the tension threads are absorbable and biocompatible.

Avoid smoking, dark drinks and those containing dyes as much as possible, brush your teeth without fail at least twice a day and with dedication in combination with the use of dental floss and follow the other advice indicated by the professional who performed it on you.

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