In this case, there is not only dental wear, but also facial asymmetry in the jaw and cheek area.
This movement disorder of the muscles of mastication can cause headaches, damage to the Temporomandibular joints of the jaw, torticollis, as well as facial anomalies that make the face look more square and consequently less fine than it appears. in fact, it is due to the growth (hypertrophy) of the muscles of the face due to their repeated contraction, especially the masseters, as can be seen in this case in the before and after photos.
The causes respond to psychological and emotional factors or to agents that disturb the sleep routine: stress, anxiety, depression, alcohol consumption, caffeine and tobacco. To prevent or treat this alteration, the recommendation is to attack the underlying causes, while reducing the harmful effects of the contraction of the masticatory muscles.
You must bear in mind that bruxism is involuntary in most cases and can occur during sleep or not. Currently biting objects such as pencils, pen caps or onychophagia (biting nails), as well as the continuous chewing of gum or chewing gum, can be an expression of it.
From the dental point of view, its treatment is done with muscle physiotherapy, use of bite stabilizing plates, psychological support if necessary and the application of botulinum toxin, Botox ®️.
If you suffer from bruxism, we can help you. Contact us.

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